RIU te invita a ser parte del avivamiento para Uruguay en este tiempo de elecciones nacionales. 🗳
En estrategia de adoración y oración para encontrarnos con Dios, invitamos a las congregaciones cristianas y sus intercesores, a familias y a hermanos que deseen ponerse de acuerdo para orar juntos y también de forma individual. 🙌 🙏🏻 ⏯
Dispondremos de un programa y guía de oración como sugerencia. 📝
Sé parte de la estrategia de oración por nuestro país. 🇺🇾
Agenda día y hora de lunes a viernes.
Contacto: 098 98 43 00. 📞
Dirección: Víctor Haedo 1987.
Peticiones de oración
Que haya convivencia en paz en las próximas jornadas electorales (internas y luego nacionales), sin disturbios ni infracciones al sufragio democrático.
Por autoridades electas que amen nuestra nación y a quienes en ella habitan.
Que Dios ponga en el próximo Gobierno, desde su máxima autoridad (presidencia), a hombres y mujeres temerosos de Él.
Por autoridades electas con disposición a las mesas de diálogo, aún en las diferencias políticas partidarias, en busca de acordar y llevar adelante proyectos que mejoren realmente el desarrollo de nuestro país.
Por autoridades electas con vocación genuina de servicio público.
Respeto hacia nuestra Constitución en los proyectos de ley, normas y políticas estatales que se implementen.
Para que Dios libre a nuestro país de tener campañas políticas financiadas con fondos ilegales. Que haya transparencia e integridad.
por una justa representación de personas competentes (sin distinción entre sexos, discapacidad o raza) en los ámbitos de toma de decisión política.
Para que la ciudadanía tenga la responsabilidad cívica para informarse y ver al sufragio como algo importante.
Para que la iglesia se mantenga sobria, buscando el corazón de Dios y guardando respeto al que piensa diferente.
The saying goes that necessity breeds creativity. In Elden Ring, sometimes that need is more something from a Thomas the Tank Engine mod or whatever it is that's happening during this clip. The most recent Elden Ring innovation involves players wearing an NPC's underwear which was apparently removed out of Elden Ring Runes the game. Sure, it's one of those pieces. Make sure you buckle up.
The armor is the underwear that is set Deathbed Smalls, which is believed to be worn by Fia, the girl who provides players with hugs, and an increase in health as reported by outlets such as GamesRadar+ as well as Polygon. Some might see this as a stumbling block, but what is a gesture of physical affection that is not debuffs persevering? If you're wondering how you could also adorn your dirty groins by wearing Fia's tiniest underwear or for stats and science reasons, you won't. Not at all through regular gameplay.
Deathbed Smalls may be removed from Elden Ring's official release due to its risky nature. Cowards. The players only discovered the underwear of Fia by using a strange free-camera. This somewhat perverse revelation allowed players to match Fia's underwear in conjunction with the Deathbed armor, which was set to look like an in the online CSI: Miami investigation. But, unlike her Deathbed Dress, her underwear does not come with a reward for finishing one of her quests. If you're down bad to wear Fia's underwear however, you'll need to set the shackles of your religious beliefs (in many different ways) and make use of cheat codes to get them.
Thanks to the folks on Attack of The Fanboy, we now know how we can "complete" fia's set of armor. The players have outfitted Deathbed Smalls by setting Elden Ring offline with Elden Ring offline using Cheat Engine in their PCs. From there, all they needed to do was type in Deathbed Smalls' item number 1930300 and voila. Underwear claimed. Below are some of Death Smalls' stats, so you'll have a justification to be ready when your parents or friends walk in buy Elden Ring Items on you dribbling for your life as Captain Fia Underpants.